Green finance at the heart of the Paris Rendez-vous de l'Investissement debates

December 01, 2019

La finance verte

‘Green Finance: What meaning can be given to your investments?’ was the theme of the last Rendez-vous de l’investissement organised by Indosuez France on 28 November in Paris.

Around a hundred clients attended a lively debate between Christian Gollier, Director of the Toulouse School of Economics, Stanislas Pottier, Head of Responsible Investment at Amundi, Tanguy Claquin, Global Head of Sustainable Banking at CACIB and Vincent Manuel, Indosuez Chief Investment Officer.

Possible strategies to collectively solve the climate challenge were discussed, highlighting their constraints and virtues.

Then, around a round table, all the speakers defined the contours of green finance from their personal perspective before discussing in particular the role of the investor, the returns and efficiency of eco-responsible investments.

Discussions continued over a cocktail in the lounges of the Shangri-la hotel that hosted the event.


December 01, 2019

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